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关于”博客利弊“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of Blog。以下是关于博客利弊的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of Blog

More and more college students have become bloggers. They use blogs to record their own experiences and describe their emotions and feelings. There are different views on this phenomenon.

Some people think that it is a good idea for college students to open a blog. They say that blog, unlike the traditional diary, provides a channel for students to vent their inner feelings, but it also provides a way for young people They are afraid that some students spend too much time on their blogs, trying to win clicks and replies. Therefore, their academic work and their daily interpersonal relationships may be affected.

In my opinion, both views are reasonable. Blogging is wise, and students need to be aware of its potential shortcomings.




2:,Of course, it seems that blog writing is becoming more and more popular in my parents' eyes, because it seems to me that every one of my grandparents' blog is becoming more and more popular They want to find a platform to show their writing skills. Blogs are the place where they realize their dreams. Blog writing is very simple.

You don't need to submit an article to a newspaper or magazine and wait for the approval of the editor (if you want to, it will fail in many cases). To write something on a blog, just turn on the computer, go online, and press the "OK" button, and your new article will be on the Internet If he / she has a computer and can access the Internet, the blog really provides a platform for ordinary people to show their ability. It is a good form for people to share opinions and obtain information.

However, like many other new things, blog is also a double-edged sword, It may be used by some people with ulterior motives to spread rumors or slander others, so the blog needs to be well monitored. As long as the relevant departments properly manage the blog, it can play a brilliant role in our society.




3:博客利弊,Blog, as the most avant-garde thing in modern information society, attracts more and more people. However, due to the particularity and complexity of blog, we must treat this problem dialectically. Blog undoubtedly has many advantages.

Firstly, it is an effective means of communication. Blog spreads through blog. Secondly, blog is a good learning platform, which updates its own blog Therefore, a person can immediately access a variety of network materials, and can keep abreast of the latest events and knowledge.

At the same time, we should take Blog browsing and defamation for granted. We should not ignore its shortcomings, because blog is a public media which almost does not allow anyone to admit, and it inevitably faces almost every problem A controversial issue, therefore, one's privacy is vulnerable to potential infringement. A more serious problem is that the blog pages on the Internet are full of worthless and even harmful things, such as fraudulent advertising, hype, personal attacks, pornography and violence, and even reactionary dissemination.

We have reason to believe that, although blog has many shortcomings, it is based on This is a good thing. If the public and the government supervise it and strengthen the self-discipline of blog users, it will be more beneficial.




标签: 小学 英文 高分 作文 利弊

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