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关于”新技术对儿童的影响“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The impact of new technologies on children。以下是关于新技术对儿童的影响的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of new technologies on children

The original meaning of children's Day is to let children enjoy happy moments. During the festival, many kindergartens and quite a number of primary and secondary schools have successively performed in the "talent show", the purpose of which is to establish good relations with leaders at all levels. Children's day in many schools has become "Labor Day", which is a heavy burden that children can't bear.

Preschool education experts and social psychology interviewed by the reporter are invited They generally believe that good kindergartens and primary and secondary schools should learn to respect their children. Therefore, they should pay attention to and choose instead of making decisions for themselves, so as to cultivate talents with distinctive personality and strong creativity.




2:新技术对儿童的影响,As far as I know, is the Internet very dangerous for children? Now many schools don't like their students to surf the Internet. Even more parents think that the Internet has a bad impact on children's life. This is entirely because many students give up their studies and even become bad.

From my point of view, the Internet is not dangerous for children. My views are as follows: first of all, the Internet plays a very important role in the modernization of our world. If we can't use the Internet, we can't keep up with the pace of the times.

Second, if we use it properly, the Internet will be of great help to our work and study, but at least the Internet can be used with interesting stories, games, and so on Literature and so on to entertain us, so that we can combine learning and happiness. On the basis of these facts, we can draw the following conclusion: the Internet is not dangerous for children. In my opinion, I suggest that parents should install special software to prevent children from contacting pornographic websites and obscene languages.

I hope that more and more children will make full use of the Internet because For the Internet is a historical dynamic evolutionary force.




3:新技术对儿童的影响,As far as I know, many schools do not like students to surf the Internet, and even more parents think that the Internet has a negative impact on children's life. This is because in my opinion, many students give up their studies or even get worse because they have formed the habit of surfing the Internet. From my point of view, the Internet is not dangerous for children.

I think the main reasons can be listed as follows First of all, online games. In short, if we can't use the Internet, we can't keep pace with the times. Secondly, the Internet will be of great help to our work and study.

If the last point is not the least important, the Internet can entertain us with interesting stories and games, and literature can be used as relaxation. In this way, we can combine learning and happiness. On the basis of the above facts, we can draw the conclusion that, in my opinion, the Internet is good for children Children are not in danger.

I suggest that parents should especially install software to prevent children from contacting pornographic websites and obscene languages. I hope that more and more children will make full use of the Internet, because the Internet is a historical and dynamic revolutionary force.




标签: 小学 作文 万能 儿童

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