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关于”寒假趣事“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Winter vacation fun。以下是关于寒假趣事的小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Winter vacation fun

I had an interesting Sunday in winter vacation. Yesterday was Sunday. I went to the park to find some interesting things to have fun.

But the winter was not very good and it seemed to be raining. So after a few minutes, I wanted to go home. When I came to the corner of the road, I found a foreigner coming to me.

He came and said good morning. Good morning, child. Can I help you? I said yes, of course, I'm happy to help alau.

After the conversation, I realized that he wanted to go to the post office and I told him I would be happy to take him to the post office. He was very happy, so we continued to talk. When we got to our destination, I said to him: is that right? After I said this sentence after breakfast, I found that he seemed to be confused by what he said to me and gave me an anxious look.

I repeated my question. After a few seconds, he laughed at me. I really don't know why he laughed at me until I met my university education May Kuisen, the book's author, told me that in the west, people have never asked anyone else or she had dinner.

If they meet two people, they always talk about the weather, because the weather in England is changeable, and this topic is very safe. It's just Chinese customs. After this, I knew I needed to learn more about British culture and realized that we should talk to foreigners in order to practice our spoken English.

This is an interesting story in my winter vacation. Do you have any interesting story? I'm glad to hear from you. " A kind of.






2:寒假乐趣,I hope, ah, ah, finally, we meet again on the Spring Festival. The past is like the wind, and all my memories are taken away. But this year, I started my new life.

After dinner, I took my sister's hand and ran to the street. "How beautiful." I can't help but admire the extraordinary momentum on the street. It's a sea of people.

We're busy walking around Xidong street. What's the lantern lion, My head twisted from left to right. It looked fierce.

But when I was about to drill, I was worried about what to do if it fell. Then I thought for a moment that the lion was so smart that I could not keep watching the lamp. So I had to jump up to watch my sister and I said it was interesting to watch the lamp today, so I fell asleep.




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