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关于”雪豹“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Snow Leopard。以下是关于雪豹的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Snow Leopard

First of all, the living environment of snow leopard is one of the expansion of human beings to the city. The development of scenic spots and the impact of snow leopard are the second. The main problem is food.

The staple food of snow leopard is goat and blue sheep in the north, but its prey is also decreasing. Northern goat and blue sheep are the first-class protected animals of the state.




2:,Snow leopard (uncia uncia or Panthera uncia, sometimes referred to as ounce) is a medium-sized feline native to the Central Asian mountains. Today, leopards are smaller than other large cats, but like them, they are different in size. Snow leopards generally weigh between and kilograms, and their body length ranges from to centimeters to inches.

The length of their tails is almost the same. The snow leopard has long and thick fur, and its background color ranges from soot to tawny. The bottom color is white.

It has dark gray to black open rosette with small spots of the same color on its body. Its head, legs and tail are listed as endangered species.


雪豹(Uncia Uncia或Panthera Uncia,有时也被称为ounce),是一种原产于中亚山脉的中等大型猫科动物。现在,豹子比其他大型猫科动物要小,但和它们一样,它们的体型也各不相同,雪豹的体重一般在至公斤之间,体长在至厘米至英寸之间,尾巴的长度几乎相同。雪豹的毛又长又厚,底色从烟灰到黄褐色不等,底色为白色,身体上有深灰色到黑色的开放式玫瑰花结,上面有相同颜色的小斑点它们的头上、腿和尾巴上较大的斑点被列为濒危物种。


3:雪豹,The British black leopard is also known as passeluncia. IUCN is located in the distribution area of endangered species in northern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mongolia, India, Bhutan, and western Nepal. There are four risk factors in Tibet, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Gansu and Inner Mongolia in China.

There are four main reasons for snow leopard's danger: first, human activities and economic development make it inhabit The second is the amount of wildlife captured in the zoo, but the breeding rate of snow leopard is low. The third is illegal poaching and the fourth is illegal trade. Thank you``.




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