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To write an article based on the pie chart below, you should first describe the pie chart, then explain its meaning, and then give your comments you should write neatly on the answer sheet as shown in the pie chart above, 40% of the respondents have never heard of the international word "no motor vehicle day". Although 57% of people would like to give up driving on such a day, the pie chart reveals that Is the most thought-provoking. The meaning of pie chart is both disappointing and exciting.

On the one hand, there is still a lot of necessary work to be done in environmental protection. The public knows nothing about it. Environmental protection is an international problem.

The popularization of environmental protection knowledge by relevant government departments at all levels is not enough and limited. We must constantly introduce the advanced practices of other countries to the public, so as to promote China's environmental protection Environmental protection. On the other hand, with the improvement of people's living standards, people's awareness of environmental protection is a gratifying development.

They pay more attention to their quality of life, and they have a better understanding of the relationship between environment and daily life. As a result, they are more willing to follow a positive international model. In short, we have a complex feeling about the facts revealed by the pie chart in my opinion, the necessary measures should first of all, government departments at all levels should actively promote international environmental protection experience and practices, and should encourage the public to participate more actively in environmental protection.

Only in this way can we live in a healthy and harmonious environment.


根据下面的饼图写一篇文章,你应该先描述饼图,然后解释它的意思,然后给出你的评论 你应该在答题纸上写得整整齐齐 正如上面的饼图所显示的,百分之四十的受访人从未听说过国际语“没有机动车日”尽管57%的人愿意在这样一天放弃驾驶,但饼图中所揭示的是最令人深思的。饼图的含义既令人失望又令人兴奋一方面,在环境保护方面还有许多必要的工作要做,公众对此一无所知环境保护是一个国际性的问题,各级政府有关部门对环境保护知识的普及不够和有限,我们必须不断地向公众介绍其他国家的先进实践,这样才能促进中国的环境保护。另一方面,随着人们生活水平的提高,人们的环境保护意识的增强是一个可喜的发展他们更重视他们的生活质量他们对环境和日常生活的关系有了更好的了解。

因此,他们更愿意遵循积极的国际模式。总之,我们对饼图所揭示的事实有一种复杂的感觉 在我看来,必要的措施应该首先,各级政府部门要更加积极地推广国际环保经验和做法,应该鼓励公众更加积极地参与环境保护,只有这样,我们才能生活在一个健康和谐的环境中。


Protecting the earth the earth, as the only mother of mankind, is now facing great environmental pollution. Therefore, protecting the earth is very important for all of us, because the earth is the home of all the people living on the earth. First of all, due to various reasons, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, and the rapid development of economy and society has produced a large number of gas and waste Pollution in the form of wastes and wastes, and people's weak awareness of environmental protection is another important factor causing environmental problems.

For example, a large number of people have developed the habit of using plastic bags and white lunch boxes, which has caused great harm to the environment. Moreover, many people cut down more and more trees, causing soil erosion. In addition, the government's management has also caused serious pollution Pollution, we must take measures to prevent the earth from being polluted.

Living on this beautiful planet, we must actively contribute to beautifying the environment and improve human's environmental awareness. It is important that factories should reduce the discharge of sewage and gas. People should learn to use solar energy and other clean energy.

The government should formulate some laws to prohibit different harmful pollution From now on, the earth is our only home. Everyone should protect the environment and make our home better.




Many people are actively against unfair treatment of people of color, women, animals, etc. I'm talking about fighting to respect our environment. Although the environment has no mouth to criticize what human beings have done to her, she retaliated in her early days by taking actions to revenge the Chinese for cutting down a large number of trees at the source of the Yellow River, resulting in the disappearance of large forests and flooding.

The Loess Plateau, once a piece of vegetation, has now become a barren wasteland with fewer and fewer plants. Another example is that in some developed countries, many chemical plants emit toxic gases without filtration. The cities are full of toxic gases.

People die in the air. What they breathe is a terrible sight. What we suffer is only a small part of what nature once suffered.

If we do not take action to respect the environment, we will face an increasingly severe situation We must take measures to protect the environment we depend on. First of all, the government should prohibit the destruction of vegetation, rivers, lakes and oceans. Third party enterprises should pay special attention to their impact on the environment and find solutions.

Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we live in harmony with the environment and save the environment. Can we save ourselves.





标签: 小学 高分 作文 环保 范文

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