Know all, know all; laugh not win, often lose friends; family discord, can't stand; horse regardless of the high and low; adversity to see a hero; rich, easy-going; impatient people rarely get out of trouble; happy heart, radiant with a small amount of common sense is worth learning guilty conscience does not need to accuse guilty conscience is self blame great speaker is a great lie Good winter brings good summer good language is a good weapon a good story never gets worse because it is repeated a good name keeps its luster in the dark a good reputation will soon disappear good places of interest die earlier than winners a good reputation is better than a good medicine a good motto never goes out of fashion a good shooter may miss a good horse a good horse can't win a bad horse Health is better than gold crown and hard-working hands are gold everywhere; a good friend is my nearest relative; a good name is better than a good face; a good face is a letter of recommendation; a good dog is a good bone; a good example is the best admonition; conscience is a continual feast; a good book is a lamp of the soul; a good book is the best never to betray our friends; a good start is a good knot A good beginning is half success. A good appetite is a good condiment. A good anvil is not afraid of a hammer.
A full cup must be held steadily with a full stomach.
万事通,万事通;笑话不得胜,常失朋友;家家不和,不能立得住;马不分贵贱;患难见英雄;财大气粗,人心轻松;急躁的人很少能脱离困境;快乐的心,容光焕发一小撮常识值得学习有罪的良心不需要控告者有罪的良心是自责者伟大的说话者是伟大的说谎者好的冬天带来好的夏天好的语言是好的武器 一个好的故事不会因为被重复而变得更糟 一个好名字在黑暗中保持光泽 一个好名声很快就会消失好名胜古迹比胜利者早逝好名声胜于财富良药吃苦好格言永不过时好射手可能会错失良驹良驹好马不能坏马好心战胜厄运健康的身体胜过黄金的王冠头和勤劳的手在任何地方都是金子;好朋友是我最近的亲戚;好名声胜过好脸蛋;好脸蛋是推荐信;好狗配好骨头;好榜样是最好的训诫;良知是持续不断的盛宴;好书是心灵的明灯;好书是最好的从不背弃我们的朋友好的开始好的结局好的开始是成功的一半好的胃口是好的调味品好的铁砧不怕锤子盛满的杯子必须稳稳的拿着满满的肚子。
This is basically what I got from the journey of my soul. I told my sin with honesty all my life. I may never have a chance to meet pastor David.
I really miss this middle-aged gentleman of the deep sea student. Although he failed to convince me that Jesus died on the cross for my sin and paid off my sin debt, Noah is too sleepy now to let me at midnight Stay awake in the haze of Los Angeles. I don't know what makes me so wild and calm as we slowly move along this spiritual journey.
Well, if the fog doesn't dissipate, we can at least lay down some lines and mirrors on the road to guide us.
Bad things don't die bad padlocks attract pickpockets bad habits are like a good cake, better to break than to keep bad habits are better than to keep bad conscience is the snake in the heart bad conscience is the snake in the heart bad compromise is better than good lawsuit bad Bush is better than open field bad beginning will bring bad ending.
坏东西不会死 坏的挂锁会招来扒手 坏习惯就像一个好蛋糕,打破总比保留好 坏习惯就像好蛋糕,破碎总比守住好 坏良心是心中的蛇 坏的良心是心中的蛇 不好的妥协胜于好的诉讼 坏的灌木胜过开阔的田野 坏的开始会带来坏的结局。
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