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关于”现代舞“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Modern dance。以下是关于现代舞的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Modern dance

Times change day by day, shopping becomes easier and most people are getting better, they enjoy modern life, girls are changing, and there are many differences between the older generation and the younger generation. I know a 12-year-old girl who seldom has time to play. She told me that she dreams of becoming a dancer, so she must learn to dance, play music and so on.

Sometimes she can't breathe under such pressure, but she can't stop because modern life is busy. In addition, I found that although these girls are little girls, they know more and more. They know how to dress in fashion.

Sometimes they look older than they are. Although they are an older woman, I realize that our generation is less educated and less involved in leisure activities than modern girls. I realize that we don't make the most of our time as they do.

Therefore, we should try our best to cherish our time, pursue our dreams, be confident, proud and full of vitality. Modern girls represent a new era.





"I believe that every Chinese is familiar with Kuafu's story," it says. A boaster mistakenly estimates his own strength and is ambitious to surpass the fleeting light of the sun. This story tells us that one should not not not know his own strength, nor should he do something beyond his ability.

However, there are amazing Kuafu in modern society. Why would anyone become Kuafu? I believe one of the main reasons for this problem is that we are taught to be confident. In any case, please remember what our parents and teachers said to us when we were children.

You can do it. You are the best. I don't mean praise and encouragement lead to arrogance, but when we evaluate a child If we praise them blindly, a pertinent evaluation is OK.

It will make children misunderstand their ability. Another reason is that modern young people are eager and willing to take on any risky things. Different from the traditional way, people usually don't do anything unless they have more than the success rate, but now, they are less than the acceptable desire In short, people should understand their abilities and not try to do things beyond their abilities.

The challenge of success adds luster to life, but it can only happen to those who are well prepared, who advocate power and ambition.




Folk dance my sister is a folk dance club in the University. They meet twice a week in the evening. Their club has about 30 members from different classes and departments.

All the members like dancing because it's a good exercise and fun. Through the study of folk dance, they realized that everyone belonged to this club. They studied together.

My sister seemed very satisfied with her college life, but she always said that college education was not only folk dance or picnic, but also a lot of serious things to learn.





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