距离近的英语单词怎么读 英语

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距离近用英语读是" close",还可以翻译为 ad,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到18个与距离近相关的释义和例句。


1. close

距离近翻译为 close 。

示例:“木相脸”的人额高,下颌强壮,眼大但距离近,鼻长且直,嘴巴窄。 The characteristics of Wood Face are tall forehead, strong jaw, large, close-set eyes, long, straight nose, narrow mouth.


2. ad

距离近翻译为 ad 。

示例:距离近一百倍,而向心加速度大一万倍。 100 times closer has a

10,000 times larger centripetal acceleration.


3. Distance from

距离近翻译为 Distance from 。


1、The only thing neighbors have in common, to begin with, is proximity and unless something more develops that isn't reason enough to be best friends.


4. near

距离近翻译为 near 。

示例:Yeah, near the exit stairs. near the exit stairs.



1. hypotelorisms(间距缩短\n距离过近)

2. ET'([=esotropia for near]近(距离)内斜视)


3. near distance(un. 近距\n 近距离;

4. range rate information(临[接]近速率信息,距离变化率信息)


5. distance(距离

英语短语&俚语, Distance near point Near point distance ( 距离近点 )

Kintetsu Nara Train Station ( 酒店距离近铁奈良车站 )

Brachytherapy LDRR low dose rate brachytherapy ( 近距离治疗 )

Close Combat CQB close-in fighting Close Combat Marines ( 近距离作战 )

NFC Near Field Communication ( 近距离无线通信 )

NFC Near Field Communication Near Field Communications technology ( 近距离无线通讯技术 )

NFC Near Field Communication ( 近距离通信 )

NFC Near Field Communication ( 近距离无线通讯 )


1. Keep the walkie on so at least we can be close that way.


2. Meegar's electromagnetic signature, Plus his proximity to the tape,

译文:Meegae先生 距离这盘磁带非常的近。

3. A nearby supernova would really ruin our day.


4. The closer you get to the light, the more relaxed you feel.

译文:距离光越近 你越感到放松。

5. We have never been so close to history as when we enter the grottoes of Dunhuang.


6. it'd be pretty hard to miss from here, wouldn't it?

译文:这么近的距离想打偏都难 不是吗。

7. Press this and it'll vibrate stronger for close things and weaker for things further away.

译文:按这里 越近它会震的更厉害 距离的远就会震动的比较弱。

8. it's very close to downtown. How close do you wanna be?

译文:那里距离市中心非常近 你想要多近啊?。

9. What is the reason you were in the desert so close to the Mexican border?

译文:是什么原因,你 在沙漠里 这么近的距离 墨西哥边境?。

10. i'm closer to Miwako that way than you are.


11. The angular deviation, as observed from the sun, of a planet from its perihelion .

译文:近点距离, 近点角从太阳观察到的行星距近日点的角度偏差。 。

12. But its zippy orbit is a hundred times closer to its star than Jupiter's is.

译文:不过它的运行轨道与其恒星之间的距离要比木星与其恒星之间的距离近100倍。 。

13. Because of its much closer


14. i've been this close to him... and he didn't know who i really was.

译文:我和他距离这么近 他却不知道我到底是谁。

15. Objects close to the eye have their full, rich colors.

译文:距离近的物体有完整的,丰富的色彩。 。


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