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关于”学生在校使用手机“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Students use mobile phones at school。以下是关于学生在校使用手机的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students use mobile phones at school

At present, the telephone is becoming more and more popular in middle schools. Different people have different opinions on whether students can take the telephone to school. Some people think it is good for students because it is more convenient for them to contact others.

Our parents can contact us as soon as they need. However, some people don't agree with them. They think that students who use the telephone will play games, watch movies, send messages, etc.

even in class, it will do harm to them. I think it is a very dangerous and good idea to bring the telephone to school. If we use it properly, if we bring it to school, it will be good for our study We have to make sure we don't use it in class.




2:,With the passage of time, mobile phones are becoming cheaper and cheaper. More and more college students begin to use mobile phones. Some people think that college students should first use mobile phones.

As a kind of communication media, mobile phones play an irreplaceable important role in college students, not only because of its convenience, but also because of its versatility, we can use it to surf the Internet It's a computer. There are many practical features that can help us. However, others don't think they disagree with the idea of using mobile phones, because some students are too addicted to mobile games and surfing the Internet.

In my opinion, we should use mobile phones fully and rationally. Only in this way can we make good use of mobile phones.




3:学生在校使用手机,Just now, I entered the "today topic" website, and I was very interested in the report on the prohibition of using mobile phones in middle school campus It's easy to connect with people on your mobile phone, which also makes you feel safe, especially when you are in trouble. In addition, it is very good to enjoy the various functions of different mobile phones. Other people have different ideas first.

It is necessary that mobile phones are not in school. Because there are some IC mobile phones, it is easy to call others. Many people often use their mobile phones to play video games and send short messages.

Even in the classroom, this will definitely have a negative impact on their learning. What's worse, it will lead to In my opinion, mobile phone is a useful tool in our daily life, but it doesn't mean that we can use it freely in school.




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