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关于”人文学科与科学的相关“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The relationship between Humanities and Science。以下是关于人文学科与科学的相关的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The relationship between Humanities and Science

Humanistic spirit since I was in primary school, I have done a lot of reading and writing. I like philosophy, politics, science, and fairy tale Taras. I study history carefully, especially about the history of our own people and country.

It is always pleasant to sit on the grass and read my books in an open place. For me, my university major will be one of the humanities. In my opinion, when I am with young students in class or anywhere, we will discuss a philosophy of life, a way of thinking, a democratic concept, a concept of right and wrong, and a concept of beauty.




(the status of science and technology in modern life) human life has been inseparable from science and technology for many years. Human society has developed with the progress of science and technology, and the development of science and technology has brought this process to mankind. Therefore, our life is more civilized now than it is now.

The development of science and technology of our forefathers has brought many changes to people's life, such as The invention of television and space rocket has opened a new era for mankind. Thanks to the invention of spaceship and rocket, people can hear the sound and understand the events happening thousands of miles away. Now the dream of landing on the moon has come true.

Science and technology also plays an important role in our socialist construction. We can say that our socialist construction is like a skyscraper Science and technology are its foundation. Without it, skyscrapers cannot be built.

We should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology, so as to provide a more solid foundation for the construction of our country.




As a community volunteer, my classmates and I go to the shelter every other Saturday afternoon to help us do what we can. There are many old people and children who can't go home for the time being. Old people often feel lonely and helpless.

Some of us read newspapers for them every day and chat with their spiritual partners. Some of us play games with our children, some help with cleaning work. They think highly of us and say that we are all responsible.

I am satisfied that I can help others when they need help. I hope more students can join us because there are still many people who need help With our help, the more we contribute, the better our society will be.





标签: 小学 英文 作文 万能 学科

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